Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association

3910 W. 6th Ave, #207
Stillwater, OK 74074

Regional Coordinator

Seth Coffey
PO Box 546
Springer, OK 73458
P: 580-504-9709
E: seth@cccattleco.com

Regional Coordinator

Harry Fritzler
14915 E. Imhoff Rd.
Norman, OK 73026
P: 405-308-6339
E: plantid@aol.com

Regional Coordinator &
OPJV Conservation Delivery Specialist

Ken Gee
6438 Gene Autry Rd.
Ardmore, OK 73401
P: 580-319-8440
E: kennethlgee@gmail

Regional Coordinator

John Mustain
1301 W. Hwy 64
Morrison, OK 73061
P: 405-762-6627
E: johnmustain@sbcglobal.net

Regional Coordinator

Greg Allen
P: 580-497-6548
E: gregoryallen380@gmail.com

Local Coordinator
North Central Range Improvement Association
(Noble, Logan, and Payne Counties)

Carl Bunch
122 Skyline Hills Ave.
Perry, OK 73077
P: 405-385-2900
E: frontiercedarcutting@gmail.com

Local Coordinator
North Central Range Improvement Association
(Noble, Logan, and GARFIELD Counties)

Matt Weinkauf
P: 580-336-7138
E: mr_weinkauf@yahoo.com

Local Coordinator
Canadian Rivers PBA

Chad Scheihing
250638 E. 880 Rd.
Watonga, OK 73772
P: 580-623-0118
E: chadscheihing80@gmail.com

Local Coordinator
(Kay and osage counties)

Cooper Sherrill
1923 Valley Rd.
Stillwater, OK 74075
P: 580-352-1533
E: cooper.sherrill@okstate.edu

Grant Coordinator

Katie Scheihing
250638 E. 880 Rd.
Watonga, OK 73772
P: 580-614-1189
E: cncrivercd@conservation.ok.gov


OPBA Board of Directors


Steve Glasgow
Natural Resource Conservation Service
P: 405-742-1235
E: steven.glasgow@ok.usda.gov

Bill Inman
Creek County PBA
P: 918-740-1897

James "Dink" Novotny
Pawnee County PBA
P: 918-762-3166
E: pawneefd@cowboy.net

Lisa Knauf Owen
Oklahoma Conservation Commission
P: 405-534-7337
E: lista.knauf@conservation.ok.gov

Leah Lowe
Wildlife Biologist Private Lands Southeast Region
P: 405-206-7720
E: leah.lowe@odwc.ok.gov

Chad Scheihing
Canadian Rivers PBA
P: 580-623-0118
E: chadscheihing80@gmail.com

Katie Blunk
Cimarron Range Preservation Association
P: 580-430-7777
E: katieblunkdvm@gmail.com

John Weir
President & Treasurer
Associate Extension Specialist
Natural Resource Ecology & Management
Oklahoma State University
008C Ag Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078
P: 405-780-0036
E: john.weir@okstate.edu

Alan Peoples
Oka’ The Water Institute at East Central University
Watershed Coordinator
P: 405-590-2581
E: apeoples@ecok.edu

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